This workshop on note reading is an introduction to notation. At the same time, it works as a reference book.

Music reading made easy-Part 1

Note lines

Notes are recorded alternately on and between the five note lines of a system. Deeper notes stand further down, higher notes higher up. The highest note you can write down in a staff is the note that is on the top line. The deepest note is that of below the bottom line. For sounds that are higher, respectively The so-called lines of help are deeper. These guides are note lines, but they are only written on the appropriate note.

Note lines and help lines

Note values

A note consists of a note head and emergency neck. The head is either filled or empty.
Notes that have a filled note head are called quarter notes. Quarter-marks take a beating.
Notes that have a white note head and neck are called half notes. They last two strokes.
Notes with a white head without a neck are called whole notes and last four strokes.

Note values 1

A flag on the neck divides a quarter note by two. That is, a note with a flag on the neck is an eighth note. It takes half a punch. Several eight notes are connected by a bar. The flag then stays away.

Two flags on the neck divide a quarter note by four, these notes are called sixteen notes. Three flags divide the quarter note by eight, these notes are called 32ths of notes.
As with the eighth notes, several notes are connected by beams. The flags then fall away.
Eighth, 16th and 32th notes can be connected to beams.

Note values 2

Punctured notes

The point behind a note extends the note by half its value:

Note values 3

The binding arch

If two (or more) notes are connected by a binding arc, the first note is extended accordingly. This spelling is needed if, for example, a note is to be held over a stroke or the center of the clock.

Note values 4